Tell Your Children The Truth About Your Cancer Diagnosis

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You may feel it is best to protect your children from knowledge of your illness when you are diagnosed with cancer; however, this is faulty thinking.

Your children, as members of your family and people who are dependent upon you need to know the truth. In this article we will share information that will help you understand why your children should be fully informed of your diagnosis and how to present that information. Read on to learn more.

Your children are closely connected with you, and if you keep a secret from them, they will know that something is up. Remember that children are ego-centric. They believe that they are somehow responsible for everything that happens around them.

If you do not take the time to explain your situation to your children honestly, you increase the chances that they will grow up blaming themselves for it long after they are old enough to reasonably understand that this is not true.

Your children are your closest relatives. If you protect them from important news that affects them and they later learn about it by overhearing a conversation, discovering hidden documents, or in some other way they will be hurt and resentful.It is far better to distress your children temporarily with the truth than afflict them with lifelong resentment by withholding information from them.

When you take the time to prepare your children and help them know what to expect, they will be better prepared to cope with the changes that will naturally come with cancer and its treatments.

When your children know what to expect, they can also brainstorm about ways to be helpful. This is very important. Being able to help will empower your children and help them feel less afraid.

Be sure your children understand what kind of cancer you have, what your chances of recovery are and what treatments you will receive. Your doctor can direct you toward information and materials that will make it easier to explain all of the details to your children.

Be sure to do this because your children will fill in the blanks with imaginings if you do not. We all know that the scary things we can imagine are much worse than the scary things that actually exist, so be sure to give your kids specific, truthful information about your situation.

Your children may be afraid that they will develop cancer now or in the future. If the type of cancer you have is hereditary, talk with your children about the lifestyle changes they can make that will help them avoid it. Engage their assistance in helping your entire family make those changes now. This will empower them and help them stave off fear.

It may be frightening for you to tell your children about your cancer diagnosis; however, it is part of your duty as a parent to provide your children with honest information about family situations. If you do not tell them what is going on, they will feel confused, helpless and unhappy. Including your children in family news, both good and bad, is the right thing to do. Follow the tips presented here to keep your children in the loop with your cancer diagnosis.

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